All of her books so far that I've come across and own( The Queen of Jasmine Country, The Altar of the Only World, and The Ammuchi Puchi) are a treat to the visual senses. They have achingly beautiful covers. You want to buy them for the cover alone and wouldn't settle for a kindle copy or a pirated copy because you want to lay your eyes on these magical covers all the time. You want to own them and keep them safe from mildew or yellowing. You want to treasure them... I bought 'The Ammuchi Puchi' after seeing her Instagram post. It is a story of losing one's beloved grandma. I could relate to it since I have lost my grandma, too. But I feel my grandma is always with me...And so is my grandpa..I feel my maternal grandparents are still in their flat in Delhi and I'm just not able to talk to them due to network issues. So I don't feel sad at all...I would recommend this book to little children who have lost their grandparents. It would help them heal and cope with loss.
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