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Showing posts from October, 2019

My review of The Ammuchi Puchi

The Ammuchi Puchi is a beautifully illustrated children's book by author  @sharanya_manivannan  I'm absolutely rapturous after seeing all her book covers alone! They are so special that they are beyond description. All of her books so far that I've come across and own( The Queen of Jasmine Country, The Altar of the Only World, and The Ammuchi Puchi) are a treat to the visual senses. They have achingly beautiful covers. You want to buy them for the cover alone and wouldn't settle for a kindle copy or a pirated copy because you want to lay your eyes on these magical covers all the time. You want to own them and keep them safe from mildew or yellowing. You want to treasure them... I bought 'The Ammuchi Puchi' after seeing her Instagram post. It is a story of losing one's beloved grandma. I could relate to it since I have lost my grandma, too. But I feel my grandma is always with me...And so is my grandpa..I feel my maternal grandparents are still in their fla...

Book Review of my cousin's book of poems

# Book   # poetry   # review  I asked for and received a copy of my cousin Srikala's book 'Flight of Words from the self' recently. It's a book of poems that would appeal to those who love poetry, psychology and spirituality. The thoughts expressed are genuine and noble. In the poem, 'Oh! Dear Auspicious Shiva!', I liked the lines "I dread inner ghosts seen and unseen". I had no clue what Arunachala Hill is, so I appreciated the fact that she wrote a line below saying 'Arunachala:  Holy Hill of Tiruvannamalai' in Tamil Nadu. The poem on page 11, 'Source the soul' is relatable. I liked the poem 'I dive to explore' on page 14. The poem on page 17, 'Lost and found' is deep. In a world where everyone is struggling to find themselves, this is relatable content. On page 20, the thoughts conveyed in the poem are good. On page 21, the poem "I am realizing" is good. In a world where looks are prioritized over i...