This is the 12th in the series of The Wimpy Kid Books by Jeff Kinney. In this book, Greg, Rodrick, Manny, and his parents go on a holiday during Christmas to a tropical island called Isla de Corales. Everything that can possibly go wrong, does! Delayed flight, bad seats, lost luggage..the works. But it's something all of us can relate to, especially adults! And once they get to the island, they find it full of geckos, salamanders, spiders, sand fleas, mosquitoes, and other creepy crawlies! This leads Greg to exclaim that whoever thought of calling this place paradise must have had a good sense of humor! Rodrick finds himself a girlfriend on the island and is missing most of the time since he is K.I.S.S.I.N.G. The part where the resort has a 'wild side' for adults and a 'mild side' for families reminded me of the movie, 'Couple's Retreat' starring Vince Vaughn where couples go to a tropical island only to find out that the 'singles...
A book blog where I share my thoughts about the books I've read.