I bought on Kindle 'A Treatise on Poetry for Beginners' by Dr. A.V.Koshy. I've written poems without having done literature or studying poetry. I just love words and how they flow. So I have no idea how to write poems, but that doesn't stop me from reading, writing, and appreciating poems. The title of the book indicates it is for beginners, and I consider myself one, so here I'm the right target audience. This slim volume reproduced a series of Facebook posts by the author on poetry, complete with timestamps. I learned that those who have a sound grasp of punctuation, spelling, and grammar, also known as the nuts and bolts, or the mechanics of writing in any language, are better equipped to write poetry. There's hope for me, yet! Rhyme is an ornament of poetry. Types of rhyme include internal rhyme, slant rhyme, eye rhyme, and ear rhyme. Rhyme Schemes cover ab ab, etc. Parallelism is a technique used in poetry. Incidentally( this is my 2 cent...
A book blog where I share my thoughts about the books I've read.